Rather than hear what I have to say, read what my clients say about transformative antiaging, regenerative and functional medicine.

Dr. Robert Brookman has been my antiaging, functional and regenerative medicine doctor for 8 years. His enthusiasm towards health and longevity is contagious. I appreciate his team approach in working with me toward reaching my optimum health. Dr. Bob loves a challenge and I find his compassion and patience an uncommon commodity rarely seen in the “get out ‘em the door” industry of medicine these days. I am on the eve of turning 50 and feel great thanks to Dr. Bob’s years of experience in this field of medicine and his commitment to my health.
- E.M.

Dear Dr. Bob,
My experience with you has been astounding. After many years of seeing different doctors that were not helping me I was thrilled with your more useful approach. Hormone evaluation tests, the best supplements on the market, exercise, healthy diet and your kind, patient and thorough understanding of health and medical issues has changed my life. I now have an enormous amount of energy and look forward to defying what we think are the limits of the aging human body. Many Mahalo’s.
- S.B.

Being a patient of Dr. Brookman over the past several years has been a wonderful experience and the benefits of his program and personal care are beyond words. 2 weeks ago I turned 65 years and on that morning I got up and went surfing in big waves for 2 hours then went home ate breakfast got some work done and then went surfing for another 3 hours.
While in the water I shared with some of my surfing buddies that I was 65 and that I never believed I would live this long and in such great shape and still be Surfing. Most of my buddies are in their 40’s and 50’s and could not believe that my body was 65 years old and neither could I.
Good health is the greatest wealth. My thanks to Dr. Brookman.
- W.T.

Prostate Crisis
I am a 62 year old male and two years ago I was experiencing a prostate crisis and general health crisis when a close friend recommended I contact Dr. Brookman. I am a typical male and procrastinated for over a year before I did call him, but what a discovery. It remains the most important medical community relationship I have ever experienced.
The path I was headed down with my regular doctor would have ended in what I call a “medically induced” prostate problem. Dr. Brookman tested every system in my body and measured the results against clinical guidelines rather than general population guidelines. Based on the lab results Dr. Brookman recommended various vitamins, supplements, hormones and diet guidelines and then retested to ensure the amounts and selections were working. My prostate crisis is now behind me.
It has made an unbelievable difference in how I feel. Last year my family doctor looked at my blood results from Dr. Brookman and said there was nothing he could say or add because they were so exceptional. We are all going to die someday, but the question is what will the last twenty years of your life look like? I now know that the Brookman anti-aging, functional medicine and rejuvenation certification and approach are the best of the best. In my business I now recommend numerous patients to contact Dr. Brookman and continue to do so with almost unbelievable results. It is an honor and privilege to offer this personal testimonial.
- H.M.

Inflammation & Back Pain
A year ago I started working with Dr. Bob Brookman because of the many alarming symptoms I was experiencing including head numbness, panic attacks, chest tightness, energy loss, muscle weakness, and numbing in my legs from the knees down. I had also been trying to eliminate a bad case of candida for several months. I had been to our Naturopathic doctor, but felt I just wasn’t getting better. I went to our family medical doctor where I had two EKGs and my blood pressure checked. I showed fine on all my readings, but was concerned that I might have looming heart issues as my brother had died of a heart attack a few years before. I didn’t seem to be able to handle my stress and suffered from intermittent depression.
Dr. Brookman ordered lab tests of a combination of blood, saliva and stool samples. He also had me answer a series of questions crucial to diagnosing the cause of my symptoms. He didn’t guess at my prognosis or attempt to medicate my symptoms with prescription drugs. Dr. Brookman took the evidence of my testing and identified supplements that would strengthen many areas of my system that were creating the havoc I was experiencing. As a result I gained back my health and my life. I had one of the hardest work seasons that I’ve experienced in many years this year. Due to Dr. Brookman’s prognosis and treatment I had the energy, mental clarity, and confidence I needed to complete my season as a Concrete Contractor. The inflammation in my body has reduced significantly as well, and at the age of 56 I have found my incessant back pain is nearly non-existent due in part to my treatment.
I am extremely thankful for Dr. Brookman’s devotion to helping me regain my health. He listened to everything I had to say and encouraged me to take part in my own wellness with my daily decisions. I look forward to continuing on this brighter path of wellness, and will be forever grateful for Dr. Brookman’s help.
- P.D.